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Welcome to the manuscript submission protocol for publication in the journal ‘Revista de Osteoporosis y Actividad Física [ISSN: 2329-9509]! Original research, reviews, case reports, case series, commentaries, opinions and perspectives are accepted for publication in the journal ‘Revista de Osteoporosis y Actividad Física [ISSN: 2329-9509]’.
‘Revista de Osteoporosis y Actividad Física [ISSN: 2329-9509]’ supports the Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing. Being an open-access journal, the published articles are instantly accessible and downloadable from the journal domain. The articles are published under The Creative Commons User License (CC BY-NC 4.0) which permits third party reuse. The open-access policy of the journal renders the articles published in its issues to be easily accessible and reproducible; thus enabling higher probability of distribution, visibility and citation.
In order to ensure fair, secure and transparent processing of the manuscripts as well as to maintain International quality and timely completion of the constituent tasks, the journals works on globally acclaimed editorial tracking platform. The authors can avail the facility to submit and track the progress of their manuscripts.
An acknowledgement and manuscript ID number will be provided to the authors within 72 hours after the receipt of the manuscript. The total time frame for publication of the article from the time of receipt of the original manuscript is 45 days which includes a 25 window time-frame for peer-review process and 7 day time limit for post-acceptance editorial processing.
Author(s) are invited to submit their manuscripts in a prescribed format through the journal's online submission and tracking system: Online Submission System
Kindly ensure conformity with the following check-list to avoid delay in publication:
- Scope, non-duplicity and exclusive submission of the manuscript to the journal
- Cover letter with brief description of the manuscript attributes, declarations and disclosures (kindly refer author guidelines: Instructions to Authors).
- Contact details of at least two suggested external, independent and potential peer-reviewers
- Authors can track the progress of their submissions at editorial submission and review tracking system: Online Submission System
- Should you need any further assistance or information you can contact us at the following email IDs: editorialoffice@longdom.org
Author benefits:
- The authors holds the copyright of their own research outcomes, concepts and expert opinions
- Post-publication promotion of the published articles for enhanced visibility and citation probability
- Assignment of DOI to the accepted and published article
- Free electronic .pdf copies of the published article
- Special discounts on processing charges based on the number, relevance and impact of the submissions
- Special recognition for authors and reviewers for good impact articles.
- Publication of the article within one week after the acceptance by the review panel
Only a one-time processing fee is charged for an accepted and published article based on the extent of article processing and there are no additional or hidden charges.