Revista de métodos de diagnóstico médico

Revista de métodos de diagnóstico médico
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ISSN: 2168-9784


La eficacia de la doxorrubicina se mejora con polímeros estabilizados estéricamente Nanopartículas de sílice mesoporosas: terapia personalizada contra el cáncer

carolina jones

Whole-cell biosensors have the potential to be the foundation for
low-cost, easy-to-use diagnostic tests that can be quickly deployed
for Point-Of-Care (POC) testing, but detecting analytes such
proteins that cannot easily diffuse across the cell membrane has
proven difficult to date. Using an E. coli whole-cell biosensor
surface-displaying nanobodies that bind specifically to a target
protein analyst, we built a novel biosensing platform based on cell
agglutination. We demonstrate the practicality of this architecture
by detecting a simulated analyst at nanomolar quantities as a
proof-of-concept. Furthermore, we demonstrate the flexibility
of the design architecture by developing assays that can detect a
wide variety of model analyst concentrations using simple design
principles and a mathematical model.
